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294 Audio Reviews

147 w/ Responses

You've done far better

I heard some noise/distortion at the end of each piano chord. Not sure if it's intentional experimentation or some recording problem.

The chords to me made the whole thing seem kinda repetitive and the distorty noise got in the way of my enjoyment. I think you should lower the volume of the repeated parts (chords on piano) and let the other parts shine more, so the variations are what we really hear and it stays fresh.

I gotta say, though I've said I love your style, I didn't enjoy this as much. Might be that I'm starting to understand your way of thinking so it doesn't surprise me as often. Or it might be the instruments.

I wasn't too keen on the whistley electronic-sounding thing that came in at 3:30. Without that and the overly deep resonance from the piano I'd have undoubtedly enjoyed it more.

I still enjoy the tempo of your beats and the laid back tempo of the melody. The intro could have used some more variations - repeated piano chords, beats, then bringing in a fresh piano melody when it kicks off seems to be a habit for you. Make sure it doesn't become a crutch!

Not bad, but not a keeper. You've done better and I'm sure you'll continue to improve.

- Review Request Club -

I don't like this much, but that may just be genr

I can understand wanting to keep a consistent tempo and beat in a dance tune, but throughout the whole song, there were only 2 rhythms and you didn't change up very often.

The melody seemed a bit too predictable for my liking.

The pounding beats you had were cool and I liked how you changed them up a little. Maybe another instrument, or something would help?

The fade-outs sounded a bit bizarre to me - if you're trying to make a steady rhythm for folk to dance to, it seems odd to have a drop in tempo like that. It kinda sounds like a bad DJ.

I don't like this much, but that may just be genre preference.

- Review Request Club -

aldlv responds:

ok... was predictable... you may be right with that...
another instrument... yep... for the next time
the fade-outs bizarre?... well that's interesting... I'm going to think a lot about that
ok... thanx for your honesty
(and... I apologize for being close minded)

Super-happy crazy fun.

This song almost makes me smile and as I'm in a bad mood at the minute that's good going.

When I first heard it last week, I loved the insanity and grinned at Pacman and the cats.

I guess all the voices and some sounds are sampled from other things? Are some of the things MIDI files? It's all combined really well in any case and kinda reminds me of some mad DJ like DJYoda. But with more video-game stuff and Japanese voices.

I'd like to know what's going on, but like Akira the Don says, maybe its better not knowing ingredients? Hrmm

This song needs to be made into a crazy music vid. Seriously.

I'll never ever delete it from my PC and see myself listening to it years from now when I need a reminder to stop taking life too seriously.

No complaints, sorry.

- Review Request Club -

MusicIsBliss responds:

haha wow thanks, and the thought behind the scene, thats the issue

i made this song with a completely blank mind, wasn't thinking anything

i wasnt happy
i wasnt sad
i was simply making a song
and the scary thing was, i had it all planned 2 steps ahead when i was making it

all audio clips were sampled from various tv shows and movies
most video game instruments were just FL sytrus instruments playing really high notes, or triplets of notes

Sounds kinda unfinished. Electonic melody too simp

It's a foreboding tone.

I kinda sense an other-worldly vibe about this. I can't imagine it as showing heaven/purgatory/hell - no part of the song sounds warm and joyful to me... however it certainly fits with the vibe of an afterlife or some mythical dimension.

I felt the electronic lead melody was a bit simplistic and maybe too overpowering.

The slow notes were cool though and I liked that vibe - reminds me vaguely of Tim Follin's work in Equinox.

I think it desperately needs to either have a slower ending (not just end abruptly at the end of a phrase like it currently does) or loop.

Overall, it sounded a lot more like an experiment or WIP than a finished piece. No keeper.

- review Request Club -

TheReno responds:

You are correct, an experiment. Thanks for the advice :P

Wonderful floaty vibe. Just short.

This song has a great, uplifting vibe.

The opening melody works well. The drums may be repetitive but they end up sufficiently in the bg that I don't mind. The keyboard work is great - I love the floaty vibe - never getting predictable and moving all over the scale. The stringy choir-esque sound that kicks in at 45s is great.

My only beef with it is its length. If it stopped at 1:22, I'd enjoy listening to it over and over more than I do now. If it were longer, I'd stick it on and drift away.

Ironically, the length is also something that makes me think I might draw a story...

A guy stares up at the sky. Sky above, camera rotates around him. He jumps and flies into the air. Gathering clouds particles in his hands, he cuts out sections. He rises higher, waving at aeroplane passengers, looping around, twisting, gathering more clouds... to form a message - a declaration of love?

At the end of the song, traffic would fade in and it'd reveal the guy to be in the middle of a pavement. A wistful look, a sigh and he walks away.

My to-do list just became longer.

- Review Request CLub -

stretching to find fault.

The starting melody reminds me of sailing - and, indeed, sad moments thanks to the minor key.

The oboe(?) that pops in a few notes is something of a surprise, but the rest of the tune is definitely peaceful, with a more menacing subtext lying underneath.

Fairly emotive stuff here. The string melodies are nicely meandering - they never fell into a dull pattern. All the instruments seem well balanced and technically it works well.

I find it hard to criticise this song. I guess if you used a lot more instruments and had a few more counter-melodies going on... then it might even be able to stand up to some symphonic film music. It's kinda caught between being a 'humble' simple piece and being something fuller, suitable for a proper movie. Also it could be even more emotive...

It's great as is! I'm just stretching to find fault.

- Review Request Club -

Suspended-3rd-Chord responds:

thanks man! yep that is indeed an oboe that pops in, and as you described it in the second sentence was the feeling I was going for.

as for a full symphony utilization, I agree with that point. I was more so going for the simpler piece, with not using the full spectrum, but I'll admit I'm not good at making the uber-epic pieces like Maestro Rage. but I do see what you mean. Thanks for the advice!

nothing wrong with stretching to find fault :P and if you personally cannot find anything wrong with it, nothing wrong with that either of course :P Thank you for the review!

Cool 'remix'

I like the way the drums burst in and the guitar notes seem specially excellent at 0:30.

The volumes of everything sounds cool.

One crit might be the quieter part. - something about the instruments just doesn't sound right to me. I feel like the rising countermelody should be somehow more 'tinkly' and resonate more. Just my feeling.

Also, it seems like it could loop better.

Lastly, I feel like after the drum roll at 1:15, there should be a few more harder crashes and hard beats on the skins.

All in all, it's a worthy interpretation of a classic tune, but I feel it's /just/ under the bar of 'worth-keeping'.

- Review request Club -

Funky instruments; simple melodies. Fun.

The drumming is wonderful and I love the instrument you bring in at 0:11.

The one that comes in at 0:50ish then 2:00 sounds a tad overpowering and it feels a bit rough, like everything matches a tiny bit imperfectly, but thtat's part of the charm. It's like we're really just listening to this awesome jam session as instruments come in, leave , return and everyone has a good time.

It's all a bit repetititve within each instrument, but that's part of what it is and it works well.

Also loops well.

I may not be 100% sure about the instruments you use but the melodies you use are great and this retains your wonderful jazzy chilled vibe, whilst getting an extra funky boost.

- Review Request Club -

Love the vibe

What is/are Rhodes?

I take it the 'guitar solo' is the part starting 1:55ish?

I really love the vibe of your soft jazz pieces - it just seems really chilled, uplifting, invigorating and all at once!

I felt the melody could have progresses more.

I wasn't totally keen on the harder drums starting 1:06ish, but you kept it in check.

I did enjoy the added instrument that sounded kinda like strings/synthy choir but you could've done more with the bg instruments! You could've changed up the drums more! You could've done more to progress it and played more with the melodies!

Still, I can't help but enjoy your signature style all over again. Great vibe.

- Review Request Club -

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

Age 42, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 8/16/01

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