Amazingly smooth.
The whole thing really amazed me with how smooth everything is.
The hair moving, the eye opening, the part that amazed the most was the swing with the sword. It really amazed me and I went through that scene a couple of times fbf.
Drawings really are amazing, specially your eyes (although I felt that some shading would have helped some parts look even more amazing).
I had a look at your site and you are an awesome artist - I can only dream of matching your skills someday. Shame I couldn't read the animation tutorial as I don't know Malay.
Anyway, this is really awesome and certainly proves your ability as an animator and artist. The only criticism I have is of the content - a nice visual treat and enjoyable to watch for the sumptuous graphics, but if I had seen a story from you with that same level of artwork and animation, I'd enjoy it far more.