I have failed...
- to cycle from Glasgow to London (I got within 20 miles of my goal, when my last tyre burst).
- to finish 'Pico Jr Jr' with all the awesome rhythm-based action, tank-action and animation action originally intended for Pico Day.
- to make a 200-page comic within 200 hours (I gave up after a couple of days, realising I had too much other shit pounding through my mind)
- to find true love
- to finish 'Three Second Thunder'.
- to get my Electric Earth collab off the ground
- to piss my entire name in the snow
- to make games as awesome as the stuff jmtb02 can put on a pedestal.
- to lick my elbow
These are but a few of the things I have failed to do.
One or two may never happen. The others, though, will.
Sadly, licking your elbow will probably be one of the two that won't happen.
Not sad at all! Means the things I succeed in will be the more meaningful things!