View Profile Bezman
I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

Age 42, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 8/16/01

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Manchester meet (January 2011)

Posted by Bezman - January 17th, 2011

For me, the adventure began on Thursday morning. For Luis and Andrea, the it had long begun. Others would arrive that evening or just pop by for Friday or Saturday. In any case, this is my story. And it makes no attempt to be complete. That's the beauty of a fully formed meet like this: with so many dimensions, everyone has a unique experience and takes away unique memories. I suppose it's partially that multidimensional nature that makes reading others' memories interesting.

Pulling into Manchester in the early afternoon, I was shortly greeted by the Bolivian duo and Kes (Happysheep). Kes proved his dominance at a card game, wherein he was the king and everyone else the asshole at various times.

We dined at a 'Thai' restaurant that gave Luis a chance to enquire about the karaoke advertised for upstairs. This would prove to be the focal point of the weekend. Venturing forth, we went to socio, a cocktail bar lounge with comfy seats and tasty, tasty treats. The music was funktastic but disappointingly, we didn't return for dancing. Probably would have been too small anyway for our ever-growing group.

Joined by Keith and JPI, karaoke was sung. I did monastic chanting to the tune of Bad Touch (something I've wanted to do for some time) and the DJ threatened to turn the song off if I didn't start singing. In the end I got away with it, maybe partially because a girl came up and started singing, trying to show me how to do so, repeatedly pointing at the screen... I can only imagine what they thought of my mental abilities...

Unlike last year, JPI is now not as good as I at Jungle Speed. Slightly differing alcohol levels may have been a contributing factor. Regardless, I won the rights to bed with Luis. Supposedly I'm now officially a 'regular'.

Friday involved meeting a lot of folk. Chiquito's fayre was consumed. New friends were made and older friends became better acquainted. Luggage was left in hotel rooms and games were played. At 9, we entered the previous night's Karaoke bar, where - as per usual - Luis's charm had won over the bouncers.

Again, a good night with dancing and singing and hugs. With the slightly cramped dancefloor and occasionally oppressive music, I felt the need to go out for a chat for nearly half the night. I wanted to talk! I felt the absence of a 'chill room' and witnessed a Mancunian girl taking on the bouncers, literally kicking and screaming incomprehensibly. Literally.

Coming back indoors for the end of the evening, I pranced around with Bahamut, Ockeroid and others. Maybe I just needed to be recharged or maybe it was the increased floor space as we took over the adjoining room. Lesson: I enjoy dancing but enjoy talking first.

As the night drew to a close, Wonchop, Ragnarokia and I walked back to play Uno, Jungle Speed and Ninja (in that order). Lazypint, present in body but not in spirit, started making some noises half-way through Ninja.

"Find a bin!"

Wonchop found it, tossed it over and I placed it under Kieran McLazypint's head just as he discharged vomit for the 3rd time that night.

"That's teamwork! Tenacious D would be proud! "

High-fives all round.

Kieran continued to sleep, oblivious to his misdemeanours.

Saturday, the 'main' day of the meet rolled around and 2pm saw me on my own, sitting on top of a large wheel, beside the 'big wheel'. The 'big wheel' being Manchester's ferris wheel and a great landmark. People arrived in dribs and drabs: some old faces, some new friends from last night and some completely new faces. "Tony!" "Jawdyn!" "um... shey, what's your name?"

Liljim, let down by a shoddy minibus company, took the skiiers and lugers in a taxi whilst the others marched to catch the bus. As one of the lugers, I feel a duty to review said experience.

I expected something more interactive. 4
First impressions: I was slightly disappointed by the plasticky pipe. From the photos I expected a channel actually cut into the snow or ice with big steep walls.

The first time I went down was exciting. I felt close to the edge and wondered if I might fall out - had I been trying to push myself in that direction. Subsequently, much as I tried, I just couldn't alter my course in any discernable way. The only control I seemed to have was raising my feet to lessen the friction. Grabbing the top rungs for variation merely meant that my back rested above the mat and became a bit sore. Throwing my body weight around from my shoulders rather than the core just meant that the mat slipped away slightly.

The conversation was interesting (as we waited and queued between our slides down the luge) but the ride itself disappointing. I expected something more interactive.

I'm thankful for the experience (I'll try most things twice) but don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon. I'd either go for the skiing or just join the others in the bar to talk.

After luging and the subsequent bar meal, talk and Jungle Speed, we took taxis to the 'Kyoto Lounge, a bar full of widescreen tellys, PS3s, Xbox 360s and a room full of PCs. You'll doubtless hear a lot more about this place from others. I was slightly uncomfortable as I'd expected to go home to change into clean, dry clothes after wearing my luging gear. Though not originally massively interested in the games, I was coerced into playing SF4 and found (to my surprise) that I was far from the worst. Able to compete, I had a fair few more games. Having a chance to look through 3D specs at the 3D monitor, playing Ninja with Lucy and Michael (being complimented for bringing cards), funky music played quietly enough to allow easy conversation, cheap drinks... I'd definitely go there if meeting someone in Manchester.

The night finished, final farewells were bid, chicken was eaten.

With everyone seperated, Sunday was a day for shoe-shopping. I bought dancing shoes that are slightly too big but I may keep anyway. These shoes literally improve my dancing ability!

Jungle Speed was played, the Glaswegians caught the bus and we departed... until next time.


Nice write up. Felt like I got to actually know you this time. I'll miss you, Bez!

See you soon (ish)!

Ditto - even with fewer folk, I didn't get a chance to properly speak to everyone but definitely got to know some.

Jungle Speed, one day I will destroy you at it Bez. Mark my words.

Train for August! We'll settle it there! :-)

I'm glad to witness your dancing talent. I heard from many users on the site that you're a killer at dancing and I had to see for myself.

I definitely had a great time seeing you there and hopefully I can catch you again at a future meet.

Hope I didn't disappoint. :-) As I said, great to put a face to the name. Although I did honestly think you'd be really tall. You seem cool though. Look forward to getting to know you more.

Good to see you Bez. I'll catch you in London. If you're gonna be on Britain's got talent, be sure to let me know.

Will do. I doubt they'll bother to tell me if I don't make it through but get on TV anyway (since notifying folk is hssle) but assuming I wake up in time tomorrow, I'm sure they'll show a bit of me....

No one mentions my part in the team play I had the idea of the towel over Lazypint :(

Sorry, such details don't make for the best dramatic story. It was a very thoughtful idea though. :-)

by the way was yesturday your britains got talent thing or am I getting date wrong, if so how did it go?

Yeah, it was tuesday. I made a full report on facebook (check my profile) but, essentially, it was a fun day, full of new experiences. I got buzzed off and didn't get to finish my act. That was a bummer. But the day overall was fun.