Beautiful song, summing up ice.
The high pitched triangle-ish notes really work well to illustrate the icy wintery feeling, as does the the general high pitch of the melody.
The opening sounds remind of wind. The sound as a whole reminds me of DKC's ice-level music. When the beats started, it reminded me of the rider starting in Skaijo's 'A Taste of Snow'. The whole thing brings to mind the icy feel you wanted, but I don't sense the desolation you mention in your comments - rather I imagine beasts flying into the sky, flowers growing, maybe spring has sprung and water is starting to flow.
Maybe it's a desolate place that magic has frozen for hundreds of years? An adventurer finally destroys the dark magic responsible and rushes in. The ground shakes. Sheets of ice fall from the walls. The villagers, market-goers, and courting couples wake, not realising the passage of time...
My only criticism is that it doesn't loop. Something this good deserves to be listened to for longer, without obvious starts/ends cutting into the experience. And usable in thematically linked games.
Do you plan to ever try (or have you tried) your hand at loops or shorter songs?