Don't describe your own stuff as cool...
I mean, the way you say it, you're putting it forward as fact rather than opinion and that makes you seem like a bit of a dick.
The movie itself does look as if it took a wee bit of effort, bit not enough thought went into the jokes or 'plot'.
None of it was even mildly amusing.
I suggest you keep at it, maybe using something you can manipulate a bit more for next time. Try using clay maybe? Or at least more posable action figures. That way, you'll be able to make them look more alive and the whole thing will be more interesting to watch.
Also, I suggest you download the NG pre-loader and stick it at the start of your movie since as it is, it started playing for me and then stopped half-way through the first scene. I'd much rather wait a minute at the start than have it stall whilst playing.
Not bad for a first attempt I suppose.