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Nicely done. Others may well find this funny.

It was well done, and there were a few nice touches in there (although there were also a few sloppy bits).

However, overall, a good piece of work.

On the other hand, I just didn't find it funny.

I liked the music, but not much else.

The plot was all right, but it wasn't that well presented.

The graphics at the start of your movie looked pretty stylish, which left me a bit disappointed with the rest.

In future, maybe you could make a shorter movie and then work a bit more on the graphics?

Also, I didn't really find any of the jokes funny.

But as I said, the plot was decent, and the sound rocked.

Decent job.

There are a few nice effects you pull off, and you obviously know Flash better than I do.

The bgm was quite decent and added to the movie, and the final voice was also pretty decent.

The movei isn't amazingly stylish or exciting or funny (no offense - it's still better than my stuff), but it's...

quite decent actually.

Not much I can really say...

Well, I can certainly understand what you mean about sending this to anyone who pisses you off.

Maybe you should have gone for the whole web-card look and started off saying something along the lines of 'I saw this, and I immediately thought of you. It describes how I feel about you, what I think of you, and how you make me feel.'

I'm not sure if that would have made it that much better tho, so you can just ignore me.

No, the reason why I gave it a 4 is basically because I just didn't find it funny (which I presume it's supposed to be).

ALmost made me laugh. Good stuff.

Also, the animation/presentation/sound was pretty decent.

Didn't grab me tho'

This looks amazingly like a NES game.

The graphics and music are almost perfect for the style you are trying to go for, but basically...

it's a comedy.

If you don't find it funny, you won't really enjoy it.

I didn't find it funny.

I'm off to spam NG's biggest topic!

This was basically all right, but too long and not amazingly funny.

These problems also applied to the original tho'

However, considering I'm off to spam the topic in question, this seems to have been successful.

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

Age 42, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 8/16/01

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