end, I jus
+++ The resourceful use of MS sounds was amusing.
-- It was a bit aurally empty though. Some bgm could work well mebbe.
+ The 2 jokes when he was working on the formula raised a smile.
+ The author names (hugh Mann particularly) raised a smile.
---- Most of the story is boring and predictable. There's no obstacles, he just chooses what to do and then he gets it. There's no revelations or interesting stuff that we see after his first success.
Maybe you could have used that to show some funny effects of folk having all this hair... old men being able to woo the grannies... maybe some bald kids with chemotherapy or whatever are able to strut with their new Elvis-style dos?
Or maybe you should've had some actual problem/obstacles arise with the production? Maybe some crazy guy doesn't want him to make the formula? Maybe the failed formulas are making him less and less human, emaciating him and draining his life?
--- The start is too sudden - we're given no explanation as to who he is, and the revelation that he's a baldy comes out of no-where. Maybe the start could have been him walking along a street and people smirking at his baldiness. Maybe he has a dream where he's a guy with loads of hair and then he wakes up, inspired to find a formula when he sees he's still just a baldy? That's just off the top of my head, but basically, something establishing who he is, maybe giving a chance for some personality to come across, would be nice.
-- Art is too basic and not clean either.
+ I do like the 'D' at the start.
It kinda made me smile at points, and kept me vaguely entertained, but at the end, I just thought, 'is that it?' I was expecting more really.
I skimmed a few of your previous responses and also saw the stuff when you click the paper and note that there's gonna be some crazy problems with too much hair. That sounds good.