A fun thing
The intro (the 'quicki #6 bit') was distasteful to me as I find overly long intros a pet peeve. Here, though, it worked, making the shortness quite amusing.
The lip synch was nicely done, the language sounded interesting and the character design and art style were all good stuff.
A couple of nitpicks:
#1 - LEARN TO USE THE HIT FRAME OF BUTTONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, that pisses me off. Learn it. Look up some tutorials. If you can't find one, maybe I'll write one. I've explained this maybe 20 times in reviews and if I wrote a tutorial or knew of a good online one, I'd just link to that instead.
When you edit a button, you'll see 4 labeled frames. The 'Up' frame is displayed whenever the button isn't being interacted with. The 'over' frame is shown if the mouse rolls over it and the 'down' frame is shown when the mouse button is clicked, with the pointer on top of it.
Now, most importantly, how is 'over it' and 'on top of it' defined'? Well, whatever you draw in the 'hit' frame defines what area counts as the buttons and what doesn't - anywhere you draw a shape or a brush stroke in this area forms the 'hit detection' area for the buitton. (If you draw nothing, it'll just use the previous frame.)
I generally recommend that a) your 'over' frame be different to your 'up' frame (so it changes as people search for something to click, attracting attention) and b) your hit frame is a filled rectangle covering - and slightly larger than - the underlying button shape or text.
If you just draw text and leave it at that, you'll end up with a button that's horribly fiddly to click.
#2 a bit of static on your speech.
Otherwise, a fun little thing.