March 12th 2009.
I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!
Age 42, Male
Glasgow, Scotland
Joined on 8/16/01
Posted by Bezman - November 12th, 2007
I have failed...
- to cycle from Glasgow to London (I got within 20 miles of my goal, when my last tyre burst).
- to finish 'Pico Jr Jr' with all the awesome rhythm-based action, tank-action and animation action originally intended for Pico Day.
- to make a 200-page comic within 200 hours (I gave up after a couple of days, realising I had too much other shit pounding through my mind)
- to find true love
- to finish 'Three Second Thunder'.
- to get my Electric Earth collab off the ground
- to piss my entire name in the snow
- to make games as awesome as the stuff jmtb02 can put on a pedestal.
- to lick my elbow
These are but a few of the things I have failed to do.
One or two may never happen. The others, though, will.
Posted by Bezman - October 14th, 2007
In 1990, Scott McCloud invented the 24-hour comic. The challenge - to conceive and create a 24-page story within 24 consecutive hours. In 2004,Mr. Ladyboy began his 72 hour comic and since then a rivalry has begun. 100! 168! 175! Today, as a matter of honour, I will begin a 200 hour comic.
That's 200 pages to be drawn in 200 consecutive hours. 8 days and 8 hours. I will sleep a bit each night, as well as doing other necessary stuff. But each day, I'll spend AT LEAST 14 SOLID HOURS with a pencil or a brush in my hand, sketching out ideas or putting them to paper.
I'm gonna do the best damn job I can.
As I need to ensure that the comic isn't just an idea I already made up (and also to help stimulate me) please send 4 words to: I'll try to incorporate these words, maybe using them as a title, maybe using them to spark an element of the story.
Don't worry about what words you send me - whatever you send, it'll help this record-breaking attempt.
P.S. Once it's begun, you'll be able to keep track of the progress on my site. Yep, I'll be using those 10 hours for sleep, toilet-using, eating, a bit of exercise and blogging.
Stay funky - Bez