80s housewife drama theme feel. Very nicely done.
This has the vibe of a classic 80s housewife drama. You know, something like 'Bangkok Hilton' (which is actually rather good).
The opening melody was quite simple. The flute a beautiful touch.
At 1:51, just before the key change, I thought the song was over when I first listened. I guess the part after could be the closing ending, eh? And this is the 'full version' mashing both together, than gets put on a CD... heh.
The switch back into a major chord was quite pleasant and I liked the song wound up. It has a wistful feeling. Like maybe the best friend has now died, or times have moved on past a 'golden age'.
The melody did get a bit repetitive - a great thing for a theme, which needs a memorable theme, but not so great for a piece this long on repeated listens.
That's my main - and pretty much only - complaint.
I enjoyed it overall. If a TV show had a shortened version of this as the starting theme, I'd definitely want to continue watching.
In your comments, "I found himself to be the victor" should be, "I found MYself to be the victor", surely. I enjoyed reading that and the part after was sweet.