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I don't like this much, but that may just be genr

I can understand wanting to keep a consistent tempo and beat in a dance tune, but throughout the whole song, there were only 2 rhythms and you didn't change up very often.

The melody seemed a bit too predictable for my liking.

The pounding beats you had were cool and I liked how you changed them up a little. Maybe another instrument, or something would help?

The fade-outs sounded a bit bizarre to me - if you're trying to make a steady rhythm for folk to dance to, it seems odd to have a drop in tempo like that. It kinda sounds like a bad DJ.

I don't like this much, but that may just be genre preference.

- Review Request Club -

aldlv responds:

ok... was predictable... you may be right with that...
another instrument... yep... for the next time
the fade-outs bizarre?... well that's interesting... I'm going to think a lot about that
ok... thanx for your honesty
(and... I apologize for being close minded)

Super-happy crazy fun.

This song almost makes me smile and as I'm in a bad mood at the minute that's good going.

When I first heard it last week, I loved the insanity and grinned at Pacman and the cats.

I guess all the voices and some sounds are sampled from other things? Are some of the things MIDI files? It's all combined really well in any case and kinda reminds me of some mad DJ like DJYoda. But with more video-game stuff and Japanese voices.

I'd like to know what's going on, but like Akira the Don says, maybe its better not knowing ingredients? Hrmm

This song needs to be made into a crazy music vid. Seriously.

I'll never ever delete it from my PC and see myself listening to it years from now when I need a reminder to stop taking life too seriously.

No complaints, sorry.

- Review Request Club -

MusicIsBliss responds:

haha wow thanks, and the thought behind the scene, thats the issue

i made this song with a completely blank mind, wasn't thinking anything

i wasnt happy
i wasnt sad
i was simply making a song
and the scary thing was, i had it all planned 2 steps ahead when i was making it

all audio clips were sampled from various tv shows and movies
most video game instruments were just FL sytrus instruments playing really high notes, or triplets of notes

Sounds kinda unfinished. Electonic melody too simp

It's a foreboding tone.

I kinda sense an other-worldly vibe about this. I can't imagine it as showing heaven/purgatory/hell - no part of the song sounds warm and joyful to me... however it certainly fits with the vibe of an afterlife or some mythical dimension.

I felt the electronic lead melody was a bit simplistic and maybe too overpowering.

The slow notes were cool though and I liked that vibe - reminds me vaguely of Tim Follin's work in Equinox.

I think it desperately needs to either have a slower ending (not just end abruptly at the end of a phrase like it currently does) or loop.

Overall, it sounded a lot more like an experiment or WIP than a finished piece. No keeper.

- review Request Club -

TheReno responds:

You are correct, an experiment. Thanks for the advice :P

stretching to find fault.

The starting melody reminds me of sailing - and, indeed, sad moments thanks to the minor key.

The oboe(?) that pops in a few notes is something of a surprise, but the rest of the tune is definitely peaceful, with a more menacing subtext lying underneath.

Fairly emotive stuff here. The string melodies are nicely meandering - they never fell into a dull pattern. All the instruments seem well balanced and technically it works well.

I find it hard to criticise this song. I guess if you used a lot more instruments and had a few more counter-melodies going on... then it might even be able to stand up to some symphonic film music. It's kinda caught between being a 'humble' simple piece and being something fuller, suitable for a proper movie. Also it could be even more emotive...

It's great as is! I'm just stretching to find fault.

- Review Request Club -

Suspended-3rd-Chord responds:

thanks man! yep that is indeed an oboe that pops in, and as you described it in the second sentence was the feeling I was going for.

as for a full symphony utilization, I agree with that point. I was more so going for the simpler piece, with not using the full spectrum, but I'll admit I'm not good at making the uber-epic pieces like Maestro Rage. but I do see what you mean. Thanks for the advice!

nothing wrong with stretching to find fault :P and if you personally cannot find anything wrong with it, nothing wrong with that either of course :P Thank you for the review!

Not (yet) a 'keeper' for me.

A fairly simple lead melody but it all works well. The 'break down' seems perfectly timed at the end as did the starting crash.

The switch-up at 1:26 was nicely done.

Some of the levels of instruments sound grating through headphones when there's a lot going on - like some could have been softened a tad.

Also, I'd have personally liked a shorter 'chill' after the shatter sound near the start and also a few more instruments, countermelodies and rhythms going on at times.

A fun song to listen to, but not a keeper for me.

- review Request Club -

Assios responds:

Thanks for your review! Glad you thought it was a fun song to listen to ;)

Really cheery melody. Uplifting vibe,

I enjoyed the upbeat cheery melody. It's something I could almost imagine hearing in a club if it weren't for the slowdowns.

I felt the 'buzzy' synth was a bit too overpowering, but enjoyed the fast pace and variations on the basic melody. Some stereo effects were cool, but having the constant panning from left to right started to feel a bit overused, boring and 'cheap' after a while when it was the focus.

Conversely, when there was loads else going on (like near the end), it just made for an added adrenalin rush.

I liked the various instruments you've got - crowd, piano, some bubbly noises, whistly synth...

Just maybe lower the buzzy synth's volume a tad, don't use the panning so much throughout and maybe keep up the tempo.

A probable keeper.


- Review Request Club -

WritersBlock responds:

Thanks for the criticisms, a very helpful review.
Cheers, man.

calm, yet nerve-wracking. Yet a tad dull.

It sounds like you've got one loop repeated 4 times here.

it is cool - kinda peacful, kinda tense, kindea suspenseful...

It's also kinda empty - not sure if you're hoping for it to be used in a combination with other stuff, but it's a tad uninteresting as is. Maybe because it's 4 tiny loops.

.:Review Request club:.

Conal responds:

Nope, the whole thing is one loop, no double's or tripple's or quadrouple's in this song.

A nicer form of real static.

Doesn't loop too well - kinda breaks the beat.

It kinda sounds like a horse running, with static added. Amusing for 12s maybe.

Unenjoyable. I suppose it's more enjoyable than 'real' static, yaknow? Could be used for that...

.:Review Request Club:.

Conal responds:

Watching a horse dance with a static tv!?

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

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