Wow, that beanstalk was annoying.
Unless I was super-precise with my jumping, I'd hit my head and fall down a step. Except that as I did so, my mouse would then move below the beanstalk, making me fall all the way down.
Actually, I 'only' failed 3 or 4 times at the start and only once near the end. But having to repeat a section like that, which I'd already done, just seemed super-annoying.
Though I've often seen the mouse used to aim and fire, never have I seen it used quite like this. Maybe you could have 1-screen puzzles, force us to think about both the mouse and the character's movement... Maybe rather than just a button that opens a passageway, have a button that closes some doors and opens others. Add enemies. Maybe there's a puzzle about pushing buttons at the right time to let ourselves through and keep enemies away...
Anyways, despite the beanstalk annoying me, I'll have fond memories of this idea. Charming music, fun graphics, novel idea.
There's very little to do, though - it feels like a tutorial and there's a fair bit to walk between each point of action, so to speak. I was hoping for something to happen after the long descent through the water.
Not a great game in and of itself, but I really look forward to seeing this turned into a fuller game.