I spent way too long playing this.
After 4 hours, I've finally beaten all the kingdoms... and I have to ask myself, 'why?'
The system of shitloads of weapons/armour as well as a bunch of modifiers (blind/great/lucky...) that can be applied to any one is a cool idea and helps give some of the items a unique feel.
I did feel that the whole game has maybe too many items - it's safe to ignore all but a few of them but they're so badly organised (without being seperated by type or anything) that going through them can be a bit of a chore, as can selling them for gold.
A 'sell all' or 'sell all non-magical' button would have been much appreciated.
After dying a few times whilst hoping to finish off an army myself, I realised that the key lay in the +1/3 potions. Since they heal you as well, they obsolete the 'personal' potions.
After I got the berserkers, the rest of the game was beaten rather quickly and I was disappointed to find no congratulatory screen or ending.
I'm not sure if this game is meant to be about just comparing stats, aiming the bow/crossbow firing and healing tropps up or turning on frenzy once in a while, but that's how it turned out. To me, it seemed mostly a grind.
The game got into some sort of infinite loop or something twice just as I died, meaning I had to turn off AS with the prompt that comes up, close then open.
Also, quests seemed to stop working properly later in the game, with cash not being given.
The graphics are decent and I'm impressed by the item-generation.
You've obviously kept me playing a fair while and managed to latch onto my completist OCD tendencies.
But I just didn't find it an enjoyable nor a fulfilling game.