intuitive, balanced and 'fun'
total exp: 29047
max combo score: 6018
max combo: 58
max height: 200
I like the way you introduce us to the game in its final guise - sorta making the 'level-based' game the tutorial for the more open-ended game. Vaguely reminds me of Will Wright's intentions with 'Spore', in which he says the conquest/evolution section, which has an aim, will essentially act as a tutorial for the open-ended nature of the end game.
Of course, it's not entirely comparable, seeing as your game is still goal-led, but still...
Anyway, I was slightly disappointed when you took away the resource-management as I enjoyed the feeling of making loosely strategic decisions. Maybe in the sequel you could add an option for us to keep going indefinitely in this mode?
I do enjoy the main game though and I'm sure I'll come back to it at some point. I was a bit irritated by the lack of saved cookies. I feel I'd like to be able to go straight back into the 'endgame' and also for all 4 scores to be saved.
The scores for combos was a bit confusing. After replaying the game and experimenting, I thought the method for working out each combo was similar to:
if(we're hitting an enemy){
if(this is/1){ comboBonus=1;}
comboBonus*= (enemyvalue/10)+1;
if( we land&&combo==1) {
But then the 15-point aeroplanes didn't fit in with that theory. Personally, I just feel that where there's a highscore, we should know exactly how it's calculated, so we can have all the information at our disposal.
I also really feel you need to add to the feedback we're given for accumulating scores. At the very least, you should add some extra-noticable message when we get a new high score. Maybe an sfx.
Lastly, I kinda got tired of the game after beating the 50-chain mark and realising that often my failure wasn't dependent solely upon my skill, but also very much reliant upon favour from the random number generator. Sometimes, so much time would pass between one vehicle leaving the screen and the next arriving, that even with intelligent use of the missiles, dodging the homing missiles to 'save' them, I was doomed to fail.
To avoid this, perhaps you could open up a number of different levels, which are essentially pre-determined formations of enemy aircraft. You could perhaps let us select from around 10-15 levels, and it'd all loop, with maybe a slight increase between the time each vehicle appears on each rotation. Then we'd basically have to 'learn' the level, but of course they should be designed so a great person could get by on quick-thinking and reflexes. And we could have seperate scores and scoreboards for each level.
Finally (okay, that last point wasn't the last) maybe you could add some messages after each combo, somewhat based on our performance. E.g. 'great going!' 'Incredible' 'You could do better...' 'Is that the best you can do?'
Of course, my suggestions are mainly suggestions rather than criticisms. I would love for you to implement them all in a sequel but I did enjoy this game as it is.
The mechanics of this game mean that its success would depend largely upon its physics - not necessarily how realistic, but rather how intuitive, balanced and 'fun' they are. Luckily, the motion and controls are well implemented indeed.
A great game, well worth a play-through, and one I am sure I will return to.