'increase your stats' type game I've played.
Had a quick look when you were working on it and also yesterday. Looked really nice though I didn't have the time to devote to it.
Tonight, I chanced upon a BBS thread with Nene's stats in this game, and as I had some time, decided to play there and then.
Played through a couple of times. First time, I messed up dates #1 (which I went on without having gifts before Darnell had given his 2nd speech) and #3. 2nd time, I played pretty well, I think, starting off concentrating on studying and working up to around day 34, then building up my stats for maybe 10 days before coming in and wooing here in 3 days. We went on 3 dates in one day! Talk about a whirlwind romance!
Carried on for another 10 days, just because I kinda enjoyed the fighting.
On day 75, I was kinda expecting some cheesy questions or something. It was cheesy and I was really happy with what you had, including the whole ending. Made me almost chuckle.
----- The whole 'remembering tiny details to answer in later questions' in these games always strikes me as cheap. I'd find it annoying if I hadn't had the 'guide'.
+++ At first, I was kinda irritated by the random elements of getting a promotion etc. However, on 2nd play, when I realised most the chances were increased by your stats, I thought it was fairly interesting.
--- I don't like the way what Nene says is random, meaning a person with no guide might never hear her say certain things she later asks you if you remember. I just hate RNGs contributing to a loss.
+++ Most the drawing were pretty cool. Great style.
- Could be more animated though. Though it probably wouldn't be worth it in terms of time spent.
++++ Combat was really cool.
--- though I'd have liked more of an explanation of what moves did rather than have to use them each a few times to work out.
- The 'love' flash is actually worse to give than 7 'emotion' flashes. Is that intentional?
- When you get the top job, you can still try for a new one, but the buttons don't work. It'd have been nice to have a message there.
Probably the best 'increase your stats' type game I've played. The variety brought upon by the fighting and the script contributed to this, as did the streamlined gameplay.
Great work. Totally deserving of front page and everything.