levels were dull
When I noticed the glitch with the bats (if you slice the ball after it's beyond the edge of the paddle, it'll vibrate, giving you thousands of points in a few seconds) I spent a few minutes trying to get a high score that way. My score was 12843, with maybe 20s of playtime.
I then tried to progress through the levels and the same glitches that had been a source of amusement were now a source of irritation, as I felt I was often unfairly killed. Listening to some language 'tapes' so I wouldn't be wasting my time too much, I had maybe 4 attempts at progressing.
I got used to ensuring i was on the ball as it hit to avoid the glitch occuring and got to the bonus level after level 12. In this stage, something wierd happened - I found that I was dying even when the ball hit my bat and lost my 2 remaining lives.
Final score: 22673
I obviously like the basic idea and the presentation is clean without being totally sterile and bland.
Loops fit well and apart from the paddle-vibration, vibration when it hits a line dead-on and the bonus level glitches, it seems to be programmed fairly well.
However, the vibration is terrible - instead of just reversing the direction, I suggest you actually move the ball to a point inside the paddle, if you see what I mean. That's what I did in my game:
I felt your levels lacked variation and kinda dragged on. I was really hoping that later levels would have some wild and exciting infrastructure that actually altered the focus of the levels somewhat.
They really seemed to drag on - the levels were all pretty easy once it was under control, as long as I played it safe, so as to not fall prey to the vibra-glitch. Maybe change it so that the timer doesn't go back up when we lose a life? It doesn't seem like it'd make it particularly easier, but having the timer go back up each time kinda adds insult to injury.
OK game, but levels were dull and the thing seemed like a bit of a waste of time.
Question: are the levels for '-rebound' the same as for this?