Keep working on the mechanics.
It's certainly an idea I've not seen in a flash previously, but it just isn't much fun.
Neither 'scrubbing the area' to find the phrases, nor typing, is a particularly involving or interesting thing to do and the messages, graphics etc. aren't interesting enough to entertain. The speed of the 'light' makes the scrubbing dull.
Also, when I went to view highscores, it didn't work.
The music loop got irritating.
I played until level 6ish of the main game - I wasn't gonna torture myself with the others. Tried the highscoremode, finished a couple of levels, closed and reopened to see if the messages were always the same, then decided it was a pretty lousy mechanic since we can just find it all the first time, then quickly type on a subsequent attempt to get a faster highscore.
I applaud you for wanting to try a unique mechanic, but I think you should call this a failed experiment.
However, if you maybe made the light mouse-controlled and had the words stuff we needed to piece together without help, it may be a lot more interesting to play.