at points, it generally
+++ Great tune for ending credits.
++++ I love how you've basically redone your entire style, but done it well. Again.
+++ Donut talk made me smile.
-- I was disappointed to see the ending music end so abruptly. Maybe have it last a wee bit longer, maybe fade out with the sound panel options.
-- in the character bios, 2nd sentence for Bob is unclear and grammatically messed up.
- unoriginal setup.
-- When Bob stands on top of the dude and shoots his head, it's just a still frame. Looks almost broken. Have him recoil, or smoke appear or something.
-- When cop gets shot in the box and doesn't die, my incredulous nature got in the way of my suspension of disbelief.
?? Maybe have bios before loading is complete? You know it'd make sense...
++ Kinda amusing wrap-up.
Though unoriginal and a tad tiring at points, it generally entertained.