Not keen on the build-up/drop down, but 'tis ace.
Totally respect your abilities dude.
Having listened to this maybe 12 times, I've realised that I hear a few similarities to the tune you made for Pico Jr Jr. But this is taken to the next level, lengthened and mixed up to be as kick-ass as possible.
I loved the choir coming in and the sheer variety of tones and noises, as well as the large amount of stuff going on.
Having heard it maybe 15 times, I've decided I'm not too keen on the keen on the 'whistling' at 20-25s that introduces the heavier beat, nor the slightly sudden drop in aggression as it loops.
I just kinda like loops to be either more gradual in such changes, or pretty much constant in such things.
But that doesn't take away the fact that this is a kick-ass piece of music.
And your awesomeness.