given on when and why we are making mistakes
Played 3 times. 1st time, found levels 1-19 getting rather easy, but when I was starting to think about turning it off, was on level 18. Kept going, thinking I could increase the difficulty next time. (In the instructions, it alludes to difficulty levels, suggesting we lower the difficulty if we're having problems.)
Got to level 20, then died unexpectedly. Didn't realise that chomping the big spider was decreasing my health.
Tried again after reading some reviews. Again, died at the end without fully understanding why.
Attempt #3, maxed out health & speed, got power to 170 and height to 110. Paid close attention to the energy bar and worked out (finally) that chomping the big enemy hurt me. Completed it, with a score of 4173 I think.
- When stats are maxed, buttons remain.
+++++ basic game mechanics are great. Though essentially just a shooting (clicking) game, the enlarged hit area, thanks to chompy's mouth and the slow movement make it fairly satisfying. Trying to get the guts that fly off has a great risk/reward element to it - spending too long trying to get all the guts may mean we miss a live bug.
++++ colours and graphical style are consistently charming throughout, with no real rough edges.
--- Your intro lets it down somewhat though, in a subversion of the normal state of affairs.
---- When damage is dealt to the player it's not always obvious - specially with the boss. A red flash would solve this problem so simply and fully
---- Being forced to restart after failing the last level is particularly galling, and only bloody-mindedness will see anyone pick up the gauntlet again straight away. Being allowed to continue (with a large penalty to the final score of course) would remove a lot of frustrations.
-- The 'upgrade' screen can on occasion come a little too suddenly, with one extra click occasionally resulting in an unwanted purchase or a skipping of that screen. Having it fade in over a second or so would remedy the problem.
- The final score does provide some impetus to try again at a later date, but whilst one is led to assume that it is simply the total number of bugguts eaten, it is never made explicitly clear.
-- A real disappointment was the discovery that there are no difficulty levels, after the instructions gave the impression that they existed. Being able to maybe upgrade the difficulty a couple of time would really encourage replaying and ensure more fun was to be had (as well as a more varied experience) when replaying occured.
--- The bgm did start to irritate after a while, and whilst it was possible to mentally turn it off, an option to silence it whilst leaving the sfx would be much appreciated.
- After the ending, the final screen, just before the starting screen is returned to, is a bit bare. 'The End' written in a cursive script font (or painted in) would suit it perfectly and avoid such a large expanse of a plain colour.
Overall, the well-honed core gameplay makes for a fun experience, marred mainly by the lack of feedback given on when and why we are making mistakes in level 20.
Charming and compulsive, this is fully deserving of the accolades delivered to it.