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Unfulfilling generally.

I liked the bit where you cut away to 'sonic is angreh' as well as pointing out the stupidity of the rescue and the trip. Also, Tails' speech was kinda funny.

I couldn't understand the walrus at all in the beginning. Hehehe... kukukchu.

My main gripe with this is that whilst bits of it made me smile or faintly chuckle a lot of it was just kinda vacuous, boring, predictable and unfulfilling.

Sure, these are all complaints I could level at the original cartoon probably, but maybe you could have deviated a bit more, done some video editing, cutting out bits, gone off on more tangents...

the concept makes me think and chuckle

I loved that concept! Such an imaginative idea and the type of thing that could only ever be clearly shown as an animation.

I'd have loved to see it fleshed out a bit, maybe someone exchanging people's thoughts and stuff, but enjoyed all I saw.

I don't much care for the title screen though - the beveled text doesn't go well with the flat colours imo. The red overlapping both yellow and blue looks garish and ugly. The play button would be better in the centre, where folk have grown to expect it.

However, I like the way Jim grabs the bubble and the sounds.

More importantly, the concept makes me think and chuckle. Seriously awesome.

Jimtopia responds:

Glad you liked it. Hmmm, for some reason no one likes the menu, I guess I'll re-make that.

Lame rip-off.

You could have had more deviations instead of using all the same scenes and songs as in your inspiration.

Just changing the characters isn't enough.

Tom was totally recognisable and the drawings were good, but the concept was seriously weak, dude. Weak.

Frax responds:

Actually yea i totally agree. Now i'm like, wtf was i thinking.
But meh, i learned some new stuff while making this. And thats always a good thing.
I'm going to make some stuff of my own now. héhé.

Btw, You could have been a bit more kind to me lol.

I grinned

"Who's Your Perfect Lover?
Calculate Exactly, Down To The Name, Who Your Perfect Lover Is.Try it!"

I love how appropriate the ad underneath was.

My fave parts were Stamper's song, the hitting and the spinning.

Maybe you could have had some more bizarre flashbacks though, for extra hilarity?

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

Age 42, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 8/16/01

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