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I rather enjoyed every moment of this!

Loved the way you stylised all the humans and the way the shop-owner tilted his head back was pretty funny!

What I love about this is that the world of Busker Branford seems so alive and full of strange and wonderful things that it's a total joy to witness each moment we're allowed to glimpse.

The song was great too!

If forced to make a criticism, I'd suggest maybe the portrait scenes would have been cooler had you somehow differentiated the 'pictures' and 'real people' a bit more. Maybe even kept the people in their normal style.

But I rather enjoyed every moment of this!

This made me chuckle ever so slightly at the end.

'You' could have been drawn and animated a bit better. I just feel that showing you fully coloured, maybe in a director's chair or at a PC or whatever, would have worked better.

I liked the verbal exchange between the 2 simple shapes and am kinda looking forward to this.

This made me chuckle ever so slightly at the end.

Predictable, but still made me shiver in horror

Pretty predictable, and I was disappointed by how 'plainly' and 'obviously' the story was told.

Also, sfx may have worked well.

The end still made me kinda shiver in horror though and I enjoyed your use of music. The start of the Jack Johnson track was specially well picked with its train-like beat.

Any help in understanding this would be much appre

Really odd.

Was there any lying within the movie?

I gather that the flower gives him a drunken idea to settle down on the moon, but really feel that the meaning of this movie eludes me somewhat.

Any help in understanding this would be much appreciated.

Your choice of music and voices throughout is excellent throughout and it was intriguing enough to enjoy a couple of times.

Still a magical piece to watch.

The style, specially in the opening frames, is delicious.

Music is beautiful.

Story was fairly well told, though I felt the end was a tiny bit unsatisfying - I was hoping to see him in his final destination or something else with a hint of conclusion about it.

Also, characters are inconsistent and seem elongated when seen from certain perspectives, as noted below. In the same vein, the woodsman running away seems to shrink too quickly.

Still a magical piece to watch.

Thanks for sharing.

if this show can keep me on my toes, I'll continue

I loved the drawings for when bigfoot was pouncing. Art throughout was crisp with nice lines, though I wasn't too keen on the way you drew BF's left arm for some reason. Kinda didn't like the way you drew it obviously as 2 elipses, unlike the other, which was treated as a single nice curvey shape.

The premise is amusingly zany and I'm actually quite saddened in some ways by how much of a bastard BF is.

Voices were really understandable and crisp, with fairly good acting.

Enjoyable watch and if this show can keep me on my toes, I'll continue to enjoy it.

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

Age 42, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 8/16/01

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