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I don't like all the elements, but it was an enjoy

The 'newgrounds' speech sample is pretty awesome and I like the 'shampawnya' intro.

The music was really well chosen and the sound effects/voice recordings all sounded great. The wizard's speech mannerisms were annoying though.

The animation was limited and the art was a bit rough - specially the backgrounds.

The end made me chuckle slightly, but the middle seemed to have a lot of hit-and-miss stuff.

I don't like all the elements, but it was an enjoyable watch.

it's a solid piece

I liked your style of body shapes - specially the hostess at the end. Maybe you could go further in that direction?

And the voices were all great.

What really made this movie great, of course, was the 'plot'! I chuckled at the old mad and the ending was a real surprise.

Didn't gewt me chuckling as much as it could have - maybe more animation would help make it better - but it's a solid piece.

plenty of chuckles and smiles, even the 2nd time t

Why did their TV screen suddenly explode?

The graphics were generally kinda rough, apart from some of the bgs and the lift, which were rather nice, with perfect 3D effects for the hell-lift. Was that done in another program?

The music choices throughout were great.

I loved the squishing room and line-rider homage. Also, just the idea that hell would allow tourists.

The end didn't really do it for me though - I guess I was hoping for a bigger revelation or change of circumstances by the end.

I enjoyed the ride though and there were plenty of chuckles and smiles, even the 2nd time through.

This'll be one I'll probably remember.

That whole thing made me cringe. Did you know that each Christmas, loads of office workers go to hospital with slashed bums? It's true.

The style was pretty cool - with touches of colour - and the ending was unexpected. But my anticipation for the slashing made that a bit less of a shock than it may have otherwise been.

Graphics could have maybe complemented the dark eerie tone a bit more, maybe using a darker colour than white... or maybe keeping the shapes less cuddly and cartoony.

I liked some of the synching of graphics to music.

This'll be one I'll probably remember.


The textures on all the vegetables were way cool.

Yeah, I need to get out more often. Specially the past 2 weeks... enh.

I would say something about hypocrisy of making this message in an animation, but it got me dancing and at least it reaches the chair potatoes - the new generation of couch potatoes.

I wasn't overly keen on the style of the brush lines - not particularly stylish, just a bit messy...

No other real criticisms.

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

Age 42, Male

Glasgow, Scotland

Joined on 8/16/01

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