been some underlying
+++ Peaceful, funky tune.
++++ Division of self into polar opposites is a theme that captures the mind well.
++ Great use of masks and gradients when the eggs were pulsing.
+++ Lovely textures.
- Start was a tiny bit slow.
--- Horrible buttons. Seriously, use the 'hit' frame. Draw a rectangle there.
--- Basically, it all came to naught, with no real purpose nor a satisfying conclusion to the 'story'.
I'll assume that the embryos were killed and whilst I could read some bullshit in about how true good/evil just can't exist and will self-destruct, I seriously doubt there was any real message here.
I don't know - had there been some underlying message or theme, with a more satisfying conclusion, this might have been a spectacular piece to watch over and over, and reccommend to the world.
As it is, it's 'merely' an enjoyable, intriguing watch; and something that may well stick in my mind for yonks.