It is
++++ Made me smile with its silliness. The idea of robopico... the ending...
---- The graphics are inconsistent and somewhat bad. You have the gun from a photo or whatever plonked in and it really doesn't go with anything else. If this'd been a mixed media piece that woulda been cool, but seeing as it's just that one thing... Also, the thin lines on the bullet don't really go with the thick lines of the character, I think.
The wobbly lines didn't look too good in this piece. If it'd been really sketchy throughout, my opinion might be different, but it looks as if you just need to practise your drawing and keep at it.
Lastly, maybe do a level of shading on the close-ups.
+++ Some lip-synching.
---- The song seems to carry on after the movie has finished. No need. Set it to stream, fade it out and Flash will abandon the unused frames, making for a much lower filesize for the same experience.
It is technically crappy. You just need practise. I liked the joke though.