aspects (rated from ----- to +++++)
---: the link to 'download [your] special swf viewing program' opens in the same window
-: and apparantly it's been moved or something.
+++: Nice presentation, with GBAs...
-: only occassional speech
+++: I like dimension-travelling. The idea of travelling into games is nice.
-: You type 'were' instead of 'we're' when they enter either game.
++: made me chuckle at end of Mario game
++: also at end of sonic game
---: but a lot of the moview leading up to the gampak felt a bit slow
I found it funny at either end, but the start seemed a bit dull.
I'm gonna give you 4/10 rather than 5. I know it's not what you referred to, but your threat of buttsex scared me.