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A nice chuckle.

It really goes out of its way to be just a little different... and succeeds.

From the nice pre-loader to the increasingly random factoids accessible throughout the movie, the movie is short, sweeet, and to the point.

I actually thought this would be a typical cutesy underwater adventure had by some fishy folk.

I was pleased to watch some irreverant jokes and whilst nothing here made me actually laugh, it was a nice change of pace and angle from what we usually see here.

shampawnya responds:

Thanks man.

God is Dead. Or is he?

From the start:

The opening voice-over isn't totally clear, and does seem a bit too quite in comparison to the voices.

The animation is a bit shaky. I like the sort of cell-shaded semi-realistic parts, like the opressor's face, but David's didn't look nearly as nice.

Some argue that the acts are meaningless for a movie this short. I personally thought it added a little bit of emphasis to the various points.

There was nothing new here that hasn't been said billions of times before, with some corny lines, but it was a good spiritual message.

Personally, I don't agree with the feelings behind the animation, and I was half-hoping you'd explore some things more fully, but it was an interesting... presentation.

The subtitles are definitely needed. I suggest you have them on as default.

The special features are good and links seem well chosen. However, I found the 'special features' button a bit hard to find. Unless you had stated their presence, I wouldn't have looked until I found them.

Also, you maybe should have given credits for the photography.

It's the first spiritual thing I've seen on NG and in a way, it warms my heart to see so many people express themselves through Flash.

inevitability responds:

First off, Thanks for reviewing. You have valid points in your review. I shall keep those in mind in the future (further movies). I'm glad that overall you liked the movie. Even if you dont share the message.

Thanks for watching.

Slightly predictable, but excellent direction here

From the start:

The intro is interesting, with thick lines forming an abstract representation of static, with 3 images of the robot fading in and out to nice effect.

The creation of the robot is all excellently timed to the beat of the music and the font goes well with the interesting style of the graphics - thick fills and shadows with no outlines.

The story did seem a bit predictable - from the time I saw the grey robot running along, I sort of realised what the rest of the plot would involve.

Yet, it was a pleasure to see it work out.

The mood of the music seems to reflect the emotions you intend to portray with your animation well.

The ending was - I think - almost as horrific as you intended it to be, largely helped by the reactionary shots of the witness and the excellent way in which you emphasised the blows.

I really enjoyed the whole animation and there's little I would criticise about it.

I do like the style of your graphics, mainly as it's a change from most work and it is animated fairly well, but it could be improved without losing your style I think.

Also, you never seemed sure how to draw hands, whether to have them a solid colour, have small shadows as with the grey robot, or darker outlines, as with the blue one. Obviously I'm not saying everything should be drawn the same way. It's just something I noticed on 3rd watch. And it's one of the only criticisms I can make.

The direction is great but the story just seems a bit predictable. Still, with your excellent storytelling, it's a joy to watch and I applaud you.

Matt-Merrill responds:

wow, thanks for the detailed review. haha, and about the hands... yeah I wasn't very consistent there. Probably cuz the movie was stretched out over 5 months and I didn't even think about it when I went to draw the next characters hands.
Anyway, glad you liked it, and again, thanks for the real review and critism instead of just the one sentence reviews most people give.

Could have had more to it.

The setup was interesting, and the result was unexpected for me. However, it could have been much more amusing if some short payoff had been added at the end. Perhaps the doorman-type dude could have then turned to another and said 'didn't have his passport', to which the other might say 'again? Fucking idiots. [pause] what are they thinking?'

Or something like that.

It did make me chuckle. There's no denying that. I just feel that it could have used more of an 'ending'.

Also, maybe 2 seconds used as an establishing shot to give it some sense in reality? We have no idea where he is, or what he's doing, and knowing he was in the middle of a busy street just attempting to walk past a guy could add to the hilarity.

Nice animation though and the sound effects were.... brutal.

Also, at least you don't put on a load of excess padding, such as a stupidly long intro or such as some folk do.

KupaMan responds:

Thank you for reviewing. I had plans for a leass crappy ending, but I decided against it as it would be tim consuming and effortful for such a corner cutting man as myself. To be honest, I don't really know where I had them at. A lot of people think they're in an airport, but that's the only place it wouldn't be. I just tossed on a background of brick so it wouldn't be bland and white. Don't think too much into this. I didn't. A change in perpective on videos such as this make it seem like it's a bigger, better video than it truly is. I didn't want to brain wash people with fancy shmancy camera angles. And, again; I am a very procrastinative and lazy person. I won't even take the time to check and see if procrastinative is even a word by simply dropping it in the Google box in the corner. I'm glad I made you chuckle as this was its only purpose. I don't really think this should have won anything, but I don't complain about the food I'm given. I like food. I really like chocolate and pasteries. Mmm... I really like donuts. Soft ones like Krispy Kremes. I love those. They're like liquidy goodness pouring down your throat topped off with gooie delicious glazing on top. It reminds me of the Van Wilder donuts... and now I'll never eat a Krispy Kreme again. Thanks a lot, asshole!

Very nice story.

It's a great marriage of crazy photos perverting the innocent-sounding narration.

The guitar adds well to the audio and although it maybe detracts on the 3rd viewing, I doubt many would listen to it that many times in a row.

I really like the way the b+w photo on the cover of the book is replaced by a colour version. Everyone's expressions are great, and carrying Synj and the bed made me really laugh.

I specially like everyone's expressions when playing games.

The continued throwing of people had me chuckling away the first couple of times I saw it and Priscilla's expression is again brilliant at the end.

The photos themselves are nicely take, being fairly sharp with good exposure and colour reproduction. No poor jpg compression here, which might have ruined the pict5ures. The audio is clear and the bar at the bottom is great, though I don't know if that's a new feature of Flash or your work.

I also liked the disclaimer at the start. I know many might have otherwise complained about that fact, and it's nice to know in advance what we're gonna see in any case.

Sorry, but try as I might, I can't think of any suggestions or complaints. Believe me, I tried.

The one thing I might say if really pressed was that not all the 'acting' was as brilliant as it could be. It was all good and funny and I'd be proud of it - don't get me wrong. But a couple of expressions or poses could have been even better.

Also, in the photo where you're carrying Synj, it looks as if the focus was set a little further back than where you are, with the door more in focus than Sunj's face.

Also, Flash seems to have been used a bit more than totally necessary.

But these are minor complaints and don't detract at all from the entertainment value. It is practically flawless.

Who was taking the photos?

I was thinking about doing something along these lines for my next project. I suppose now I have a high benchmark to aim for...

It looks as if it was great fun to make.

Really, really great work.

Dustball responds:

Thanssk you again for the thoughtful review! It was indeed fun to make, as it was stressful! Which may address some of the complaints regarding acting and some of the focus: we had about 5 or 10 minutes to shoot the entire thing, and did it in around 15! Luckily I had written it all out, but when it came time to do it we had to just plow through without even checking the pictures on the camera! Mostly I would line up the shot, then hand the camera to Winona. Glad you liked it.

A few amusing jokes.

A couple of the gags made me chuckle, but disragarding the creative process, most of these are mediocre at best in terms of story and presentation.

The graphics were rather excellent, considering your limitations, but that didn't really increase my final enjoyment of it.

The comments and info were really nice and I did like the stop button, which faded away after a second or so.

Though a few stories amused, some seemed a bit hard to follow or a bit too random for my tastes.

And the beeping got a bit annoying after a while... :-/

Sorry. I know it took you dudes ages and loads of effort, but the format detracts from the enjoyment value a bit for me and the stories aren't great enough to make it really shine overall.

Dustball responds:

Ya, we took a gamble deciding to throw these all together for NG to see. We know they aren't spectacular, but at least now they can be seen by someone other than ourselves! Thanks for the thoughtful review.

Simple concept stylishly executed.

Even from the loading screen, it's apparent that this is something a little different, a little more stylish perhaps, than most.

Of course, I have been disappointed by poor movies following great preloaders before, but it's always nice to have a quality creation through and through.

The disappearing 'play' button looks swanky (although the suddenly disappearing credit less so, but that was only noticed on 3rd viewing).

The fbf outlines figures are simple but effective both in differenciating themselves from the normal filled figures seen so often (thanks to the pleasingly shaky fbf and lack of fill) and in looking like authentic human beings.

I love the way the 'light' of the doorway disappears as well.

You use instances to good effect and it does seem as if this was mostly a joy to work on.

Changing camera positions are used well to give it some nice variety. I specially liked the close-up before more players were inctoduced and the part which showed them playing all in a line.

The ending is brilliant, with more variations in exiting than is possible to appreciate in one sitting. The lone figure was a humorous touch, with - again - excellent animation. The great ending does well to leave us with a favourable view.

It's a great idea, but it could have been so tiring due to the lack of interaction usually part of such percussive experiences and the simplicity of the elementary concept.

However, thanks to your animation, your variations in 'camera angles' and the well refined organisation of the percussion, it remains visually interesting.

Other than the aforementioned sudden disappearance of the credit, I really have no complaints.

Dustball responds:

Thank you for the thoughtful review! I glad you and so many others appreciate the different aspects of what I wanted to accomplish. The only thing I don't understand though, is what you mean by the credits suddenly dissapearing. Are you reffering to the way they sort of "animate" away, or are you actaully seeing htem suddenly just vanish?? I hope not. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it, it WAS a joy to work on and it's even more a joy to see it being so well received!

Supremely enjoyable and very funky

The music was excellent and the graphics, though scrappy at times worked brilliantly with a sort of 'grunge' style.

I loved the little blurs as the robot turned his head around and the way you had the overly fast fbf, such as the chinese martial artist.

The whole story was brilliant. I really felt sorry for the little robot, unable to find a place of his own, to have a piece of his own freedom, anywhere on earth. On one level a parable for out aggressive nature as humans. On another an amusing tale of a robot who runs into punches, does little Mario-stomps, gets trampled on and finally has a happy ending.

On yet another level, it's a kick-ass music video and a very enjoyable watch indeed.

The one part I wasn't too keen on was the demented face of the professor dude (the first we see of him). Also, maybe some small pre-loader would make it that bit more perfect, maybe some small game or text to read while we wait.Production notes, or a bit about the creators or whatever.

I really, really like this.

Keep up the amazing work!
- Bez

The story

Godlimations responds:

ohhh not another big comment :( ok.... (it's just like me to comment everyone coz of my "reaching out to people")

thank you, I agree with the graphics & music blending well together :) thanks for the fbf comment that I sort of read :( thanks that you loved the story. If you thought that it was sad that the robot was not wanted, then watch the Passion and you'll be waterlogged :) Yeah, I'm sorry bout the preloader, actually it's good point coz thanks to your comment, I will make my preloaders more interesting for future references :) BIG THUMBS UP! stay awesome! and Jesus loves you!

Nothing much beyond the basic premise.

The concept of bruised milk is an intriguing one, but beyond the basic premise, this had very little to offer.

I'd have really liked more of an exploration into the idea, maybe some more jokes packed in.

The bizarre probiscis emerging was mildly amusing and the voice-acting really was spot-on. The music too fitted the style perfectly.

The intro was well designed to give that retro feel, but maybe lasted too long considering the length of the actual movie.

Graphics were really nice but the main beef I have is that the concept could have been elaborated upon.

Maybe having milk rushing to hospital or giving it a personality...

Not those ideas but just adding to it somehow...

mumbla responds:

are you pocket sized?

I am BEhrooZ Bahman Shahriari. I am a man. For years, I have been (sometimes) called... BEZMAN!

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