Fun game. Consider more levels and better tutorial
I like this game. Quirky mechanics that seem original. Maybe a few tweaks and more levels (in the form of a sequel?) could help it realise its potential.
I loved the starting graphics, with the big shapes and lack of black, but got slightly disappointed when I saw the eyes with their thin black outlines. Couldn't you have used a dark green or greeny brown?
The first level really had me stumped the first time I played. I just imagined it was a normal platformer, so rolled left, tried to jump up, saw it was too high, rolled right, rolled left... it may sound dumb, but it wasn't until I refreshed to check I hadn't missed anything, rolled left, jumped then happened to bounce up because of my momentum that I 'twigged' what the game was about.
Maybe a second signpost giving us a hint would have been kind. I can imagine a few folk getting confused and heading to another game - had I not recognised your name or been impressed by the quality productions, I'd have guessed it was broken. before reading the reviews and presumably realising otherwise.
After that, it all seemed pretty easy and sufficiently explained. Up until the end of level 8, it seemed like plain sailing and I never felt in any danger - as long as I paid attention.
Level 9 was actually tricky, killing me 3 times. Even after finishing it, it felt a bit flukey. I worked out how I was meant to do it on the 2nd time I played through the game though.
level 12 was my 2nd favourite. I died once, but it seemed like a puzzle - once I stepped back and thought about how to approach it, it was soon obvious and felt rewarding.
In level 13, the tall column on the left with the alcove gave me a bit of trouble - took me a while to realise I had to low-jump there. The low-jump I had to do at the top was obvious, but I kept messing it up and it was really unforgiving - any mistake resulted in a crappy bounce to death on spikes. In the end this killed me.
I started a 2nd game, got to the same point 'scouted ahead' by jumping forwards and taking one damage. Didn't manage the low-bounce. it wasn't until my 3rd game that I finally beat it - on my 1st go!
To be honest though, I didn't feel any fiero for some reason. I just felt mildly annoyed at myself that I hadn't done it before.
Level 14 was tricky but I managed to complete it 2nd time. (1st time, I messed up with the splash jump)
Level 15 was, suitably, hard. I liked the way that it didn't have one really tough part like level 13 - instead, it had 3 sections where I felt in danger of being hit. I liked the way I had to react quickly at a couple of points.
I still hadn't worked out how to make the final jump without taking one hit, but I felt super-satisfied when I beat it - 2 lives left.
It was a fun game. Enjoyed it thoroughly in the end.
Having to restart was pretty annoying but the levels were short enough that it wasn't too aggravating. I'd have liked an option to continue but lose your points, though. Or maybe continue but go into an 'unscored' mode.
The scores could be better explained for those who care. Maybe a text display showing 'bonus' that goes down, to reflect the bonus we'd get if we completed the level that frame. And maybe show the scores the cherries give us when they disappear. And maybe explain why we sometimes get extra lives. Is it after X cherries? And the gold ones are worth multiple reds? It's currently a bit obscure and making it more transparent might encourage more score-attackers.
I'm still annoyed that the 'splash bounce' doesn't keep bob going up at the same height - if he can somehow gain velocity from bouncing upwards, I feel he should be able to have no loss of height when bouncing in one spot.
Also, I found a bug at one point - the hit-boxes seemed to be 'pushed left', so I'd penetrate a wall by maybe 50px, then bounce. After death, it sorted itself out.
As I said above, it was a fun game despite my crit. - though level 13 annoyed me a bit - with good progression, great graphics and a jolly tune. Definitely deserving of a sequel now that you've done this.