a bit boring
Duck Hunt Classic - too familiar. Out of ammo system is questionable. But it's a really good job with graphics and sound, recreating the original.
Letter Shake - great idea, but ruined by only having 2 levels and then flipping over to DHC.
Political WAM - too familiar and too long. We need a count-down, not a count-up!
VBSS - nice idea. Nice level. Enjoyable to play and good graphics and music. Maybe have it constantly flying to make it more exciting though.
Pong - having a 2p game in a game with loadsa 1p mini games seems a bit too incongruous. Should be made for single-player.
Jail Break - needs more than 1 restart point. Nice idea and fun to play though.
Balloon Popper - why can I not fire when jumping? Balloons should be a different colour. Some good noises.
Archery Club - Ok idea. A bit /too/ hard though. Also, it'd be nice if the arrows went in a position relative to the position of the meter.
Alphabet Madness - why only allow pressing when the letter is in the soup? This combined with the slow pace made for a tiring game. Though it seemed to speed up slightly, I still had to wait for the letters to fall before pressing anything and I couldn't see it becoming tricky... Have more than one letter at once. Have a penalty for hitting it too early.
Lemmings - a lot of hard work went into this, but it's too slow to be much fun! Waiting for them to walk distances is just horrible. The arrows should continue holding the screen when you hold the mouse over them. If you made it faster, it may be fun. I lost on level 2 and couldn't bring myself to try again and suffer the long pauses.
SAF - decent game. Needed some music and maybe some more interesting fly patterns, as with the Mario Paint version. Not asking for new enemies and all that - just maybe flies that move a bit faster and appear faster after each one is killed. Does get a bit tiring before time runs out though - maybe a shorter time limit or different enemies.
BB - a bit overfamiliar and a bit slow.
The Chase - fairly fun for a bit, although the orange ball seems a bit too sluggish. Combined with the fact that the blue balls' movement seems almost random, it often feels like a loss isn't your fault. With the default 3 balls though, it's far too easy. Needs to change over time.
TWE - 3165. Fairly fun, although I've no desire to play it again.
Overall, there's some decent games here. However, most of the time I was playing was spent simply going through things I felt indifferent about, often being slightly bored. There were a few fun moments, but these were far outnumbered by the mundane.
If each game was condensed to last a few seconds and they played in sequence, it may be a quality offering.
However, this collection did seem lacking. Some - specially Lemmings and DHC- seemed long enough that they should have been released individually.
Not that enjoyable an expenditure of my time.