More text, information and pictures?
The whole thing takes ages to load and though the sound clips probably last for a fair while, I didn't find them as interesting as I thought I might.
To be honest, I know next to nothing about this particular event, and so maybe you could have had some more information about the details.
If you had some more text and pictures and the picture didn't change the music, then this might be more enjoyable to watch.
As it is, it seems like a case of listening to a load of uninteresting banter.
Well, I respect you for the thought and idea and you seem to have done what you set out to do.
But something to watch on-screen - even subtitles - may have helped keep our interest somewhat?
Also, you could have pin-pointed on the screen any major events?
If I'd been given more information via text as it loaded then I'd have maybe been more interested to listen to the various wake-up calls.