Not a fan of this.
The ending was mildly amusing and I also liked the idea of a 'mega' setting and some of the posters.
However, the actual combat didn't seem well enough choreographed to make this an enjoyable watch despite the unoriginal material and simplified graphics.
Regarding the graphics, I felt it would have been better had some of the body shapes been bit cmoother - specially when zooming in, the bodies seemed far too 'imperfect' compared to the heads. Maybe you needed to get down and dirty with the sub-select tool.
I enjoyed some of your other productions - Marshmellow Madness and Madness Interactive - so it's maybe surprising that this, which I understand is the latest edition of your 'main' series, hasn't found favour with me.
It's just that there are so, so many fighting movies on NG and considering the simplified gfx, this wasn't really fast enough or slick enough to be a winner in my eyes.