Real improvement!
No hyperbolic hype at the start!
An intro of reasonable length!
I'd suggest you take more time over your drawings. In one frame the vatican-clone has eyes at different levels. A disfigurement? Maybe just a mistake, since in the next his eyes are at the same level.
Think about the line width and draw details that matter - like a collar on the head dude.
I could make out most of the words, but some of the white-clad dude's words were still hard to make out.
Also, I'd suggest to the voice actors that you try and tone it down - currently it seems like overacting. There's no need to try and pack every word with malice. Instead, try and build semi-believable characters.
And in the scene with the followers, having all the women and men be identical looked odd.
The movie is still way too short - even though it's a serial, each episode should be satisfying in and of itself. There's been no time to build characters, no time to build up a real atmosphere - this is like
To be honest, I'm guessing that some of the flaws are due to laziness. You could easily pack 2 episodes together and submit them as one. You could surely spend more time on your work, draw mouth shapes approximating the phenomes, add shading or draw more frames, but you simply choose not to.
If you genuinely want to rival APhilips, you need to start putting in more work.
I do like the new 'play button.