Same old problems.
Your movie isn't the worst I've seen. I have seen folk with visuals even worse. You're a beginner. I can understand.
But please don't try and hype up your talent at the start of each movie. Don't compare yourself to Adam Phillips. We're both in a different league to him.
It's great to have high hopes, but comparing yourself to a master in public seems like an empty boast and it just irritates when your work falls so short of his.
I'm glad you changed the typeface for the title into something more futuristic and gave yourself a kinda interesting logo.
The main problem is still the voices - which were hard to understand.
Take more time over your drawings. Draw more drawings wihin the movie.
Make it longer.
I'm sure you can do better than this, but first you've got to start spending more time and fixing basic problems.
Incidentally, the 2nd time I watched this, I left the clock open. The text intro took 2 minutes, the 'movie' 1 minute. Surely you can see a problem?