alambadodi alambadodiladidey
And I see that you need a /real/ animating job...
But yeah. This is pretty good stuff. But perhaps no better than Ytown 4, bar the quiz.
I'm not entirely sure if I like the way you've got the normal characters goggling at stuff. Maybe you could take a leaf out of the Japanese' book and for comic situations draw a kawaii version of the characters, against either a blank or psychadelic background?
Has the voice actor for Glory Gal changed? I just noticed that she sounded really 'stilted' when she was talking about taking a photo...
2nd last thing (this isn't a criticism - merely a suggestion) - at some points, the subtitles were hard to read, because the backgrounds were a similar colour to the text. Maybe you could make the ubtitles roll across the screen? Or maybe you could make the characters have speech bubbles or something...
Lastly, to be honest, I didn't find this amazingly funny.
But, then, I didn't find the earlier episodes that funny, but I enjoyed watching them for the plot. And this one certainly didn't disappoint in this respect.
I liked a lot of the bits which I'm not going to spoil for other people.
I also really liked the quiz, and the 'reward' was really good. Whilst coding a scrolling engine, I decided to lidten to it for some strange reason, and I started laughing like a madman in the middle of the class! Certainly cheered me up, after having coding problems...
Yeah. This is a pretty tight series you've got going here, and it's definitely one of the better NG series. But there's still room for improvement.
Oh, and I like the idea about the sub-series. But have a preloader to THAT. Make it so that you can do the character bios and background story bit until the quiz loads, then you do the quiz until the sub-series loads, then you get to watch that until the proper movie loads!!!!
It'd be maqdness!!!
But, it'd be great. And hysterical. (Or, mildly amusing at least.)