thing and hope
Shocked that this got blammed originally.
------- Sound starting automatically. Don't do that. Some folk like to load stuff whilst doing other things.
++++ Joyful gfx/colours.
+++++ Motion of man.
--- In 'tutorial' level, text is a tad too small.
-- Level 3 ( the first one with the blue platform on the far right) seems a bit hard considering it's position in the game. Maybe make the platform a tad wider for that level?
-/2 The different configurations of moving obstacles don't affect the game all that much. And we can just fling the dude over the top of the screen and not worry about them.
+++ Levels are sufficiently varied to promote interest and those obstacles are interesting though.
Maybe you could add more messages? Add a message for after each level and maybe some for when you lose.
---- Timer is buggered - counts from when the game was opened. Instead, it should reset when you start the game. So if you play twice it only counts the time spent playing the most recent game.
- Font for lives counter seems a bit small. Also the font you use is a bit boring at odds with the dynamic feel of everything else.
++++ Cheery, upbeat, uptempo loops.
-- Though in-game loop seems too short. More of a menu loop. Maybe pick a longer one?
I concentrated on the negative points to help you improve it if you want.
I didn't have as much fun this time, but that's mainly because I'd already completed it all.
Definitely a cool thing and hope you continue to work on it (maybe a sequel with a new set of levels... maybe introducing some static obstacles so we need to get him through a thin gap?) whether it passes or not.
Anyway, stay funky and keep up the good work.
- Bez