bodes well for the final version.
You must surely know yourself how incomplete and buggy this currently is.
When you switch to jason, he doesn't do what he's supposed to do.
The car gets stuck at the top of the screen occasionally when you lose your energy.
At (what I think is) the end of the level, the car goes into the wall, and keeps on driving. Surely a single congratulatory screen wouldn't have been too much to ask?
There are other things as well I feel could be improved before the final game. When you take damage, you should flash and be invulnerable for 2 seconds or thereabouts, rather than being able to die in that time.
There should really be a 'skip' button for the intro.
However, despite all these flaws, I kept going till the end, which bodes well for the finished game.
I'm looking forward to it. :)
Stay funky,