I felt at unease whilst playing.
play experience
played through from start to finish. Collided with some bombs. Fell down a hole maybe 6 times.
aspects (rated from ----- to +++++)
++++: nice sfx for hitting the things
-----: sfx all played after 1-2 second delay for me.
-: more sfx would be nice.
--: We can move the ball around, using hundreds of tiny pushes with no penalty. That seems wrong.
---: We're never sure how well we're doing in a level. Maybe a 'par' score or something would be nice.
------: I HATE flashes that play a tune on loading, before any user-input.
--: I'm not too keen on games like this, and golf games which are just about bettering a score. I like it when there's a max. number of shots or something, to give you an initial goal (just beating them all) before working on beating your high scores.
+: The lack of colour in the last level was interesting...
-: When I was picking up stragglers, I constantly felt like I was losing.
----: In fact, for some reason, I got the constant impression that I was doing worse than I was 'meant' to be doing. I felt like something had to click, maybe I was doing something wrong. And I never knew what.
The sfx are all nice and sweet but it didn't really fill me with an urge to play on.